Saturday 10 April 2010

Kia Orana

My last week with mum was relaxed. We swam in the beautifull Muri beach lagoon, wandered along jungle trails and poked round the Market place in Avatiu. We played Rummy and sipped Cocktails some evinings. Mum however had her enjoyment tainted with twin hemoraging eardrums a result of Air Rarotonga's unpressurised cabins. The condition progressivly got better and she was able to fly home. She left on Saterday 27th March late at night direct to Los Angeles. It was sad to say goodby. We always have a nice holiday togeather we are compatible and like the same things.

When mum left i vacated our rented studio flat in Titikaveka on the monday and mooved to Graham Wraggs house in Vainaanga on the southern side of Rarotonga. This has been a usefull and enjoyable bit of time to talk over the Voyages good bits and bad bits. He has allowed me use of his computor and internet so i have had the facilities to edit my blog layout and time to upload more photos. He has also lent me his motorbike which is a great help too.

The Memorial had a combined Mauri and English congregation attendence of 352. Thats pretty good as the island population is around 10,000. I sent a photo of me and mum with an islander couple to Atiu my gift in return for beautifull mother of Pearl from Penrhyn (Tongareva).

It has got to the point now that it is time to move on. I have well and truly done Rarotonga being here almost five weeks (not including a week on Atiu). Infact some people view me as a local here! If i had the money i would fly off to Mangaia or Aitutaki. Or travel on the inter islander cargo boat that left for Manahiki, Rakahanga and Penrhyn on Thursday afternoon. Its lack of funds that has caused me to do less these past few weeks. But again i will go home and pay off any debt and save up for another adventure...that i will travel write and publish on this blog.

I leave for Auckland this Tuesday night. I am to leave behind the Tropical south sea islands for further south New Zealand. Hope its not too cold...

Enjoy the photos...

Mietiki Mata


1 comment:

  1. Hi Felix
    Whatstunning photo's!! I reckon you could do a bit of modelling on your return to make a bit of dosh for your next adventures.
    Glad you had a good time with your mum. Steve and I are meeting her at the Spinnaker tower in Portsmouth today to hear all about your adventures.
    Are you seeing J and L in NZ give them our love if you do?
    Take care loads of love Jenny Steve and Ellie
