Wednesday 30 December 2009


Thank you for all your comments. I really appreciate every message, and will reply by email.

Captain Paul and his Partner get back sometime this afternoon from New Zealand. Its been lashing down with rain here but at least its tropical rain not cold English rain.

I finished all the deck and interior cleaning. The boat seems to be Ship shape, Its time to go now i feel so its good that we are going soon.

We are leaving for Tahiti either tomorrow or New Years day! Its going to be the longest continuous trip at sea without sight of land i have ever done - 9-10 days none stop. One thousand two hundred and eighty miles! Then a further 8 days to Mangareva which is another eight hundred miles.

I will update this blog by Satellite phone messaging every 3 -5 days. I will next update with photos when it is next possible. Hopefully in Tahiti and probably on Pitcairn island.

Thank you for becoming a follower, if your not please join in!

Faa a faa tai Tofa,



  1. Hi Felix! Grrr8 to read yr log - are you in
    2010 yet! of course, you were there before us.
    Thinking of you loads & glad all is going to plan. Hope you got our last blogget - but not
    sure - hope this gets to you. My new leg is
    working exceedingly well! Walked up the road for
    first time and didn't fall over once! Alan & the doogies send love & licks - take care - have fun - Ferret & Ratty xx

  2. Hello Felix, Sarah Pledger here, I've been looking at your pictures what a beautiful place. It sounds like an adventure but not without it's stresses! those ropes sounded a real problem. It's good to see the pictures of the congregation too, how lovely to see you can go so far away and meet people who love Jehovah too. Well I've still managed to do some gardening here in the freezing cold! worked in Mavis Woodlands greenhouse yesterday, tidying up, I bet you're jealous. Are you ok sleeping on the boat? I went sailing once for 3 weeks around the Whitsunday Islands in Australia and I remember it rocking me to sleep but the water kept slapping against the boat! I'm sure you are really getting to know Jehovah through his book of creation. Look up at the stars, I wondered the other night why Jehovah made stars? was it just for us to look at? Take care Felix and see you back in Sunny Worthing xxx
